Octagon Arts Festival – September 22, 2019
For the last few years, FUEL members have teamed up with the Octagon Center for the Arts to volunteer for the Octagon Art Festival. The outdoor festival will take place in downtown Ames on Sunday, September 22 from 10 am – 4 pm. More than 150 volunteers are needed to fill 2 hour shifts from 6 am – 6 pm. Variety of tasks include artist helpers, booth sitters, assisting with kids craft area and more.
Feel free to wear your FUEL shirt and show how local young professionals give back to our community!
Be sure to enjoy the live music, food trucks and great art at festival before/after your volunteer shift!
Click the button link below to signup to volunteer at the art festival.
Volunteer sign up link: https://signup.com/go/TNbKkyx