Ames Walk to End Alzheimer’s
Join FUEL Story County’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s TEAM here or consider donating to our Team! Our goal this year is $2,000! Help us #ENDALZ!
Although we aren’t gathering as a large group this year, we hope you’ll be walking in your neighborhood on 10/10/2020 and raising critical awareness in your community. We’re all walking and fundraising for the same thing: a world without Alzheimer’s and all other dementia.
Check out the updated website to learn more about the new Walk-day experience! You’ll find information on how to join us online for the Opening and Promise Garden Ceremony, how you can track your steps while you walk using the updated mobile app and where you can visit your community’s view-only planted Promise Garden.
For questions or more information please reach out to Christian Hempen or Tiffany Tope!