Halloween Hoopla 2020 – Virtual (CANCELLED)

Join us on Thursday, October 29th for a Virtual Costume Party via Zoom! Wear your favorite costume, pick your favorite Halloween background, and let’s vote for the best! All participants will vote for THE SCARIEST, THE FUNNIEST, THE MOST CREATIVE costumes! Keep that in mind when picking yours!

Pro tip:  There may be a Bonus Award to anyone who dresses up a pet!

During the call, we will ask all attendees to cast their votes to the hosts. At the end of the hour, the hosts will announce the winners for each category! Each winner will receive a gift card!

So make sure to register so we have your information!

For more information, please contact Alex Cakerice or Tiffany Tope!

Event Registration


Oct 29 2020


5:00 pm - 6:00 pm